Digital Specialist Engineer or DSE role in Infosys is a new role introduced by Infosys which offers more than the average package compared to regular freshers but does it really worth being a DSE?
For more about the system engineer role in Infosys visit: DSE ROLE
My training experience as Infosys DSE
My training experience was nice in around 3 to 3.5 months I was able to learn quite many things made so many friends got good vibes, and played many sports in the training center.
For more information about my training in which stream I was trained go to my training

My experience after training as Infosys DSE
After being allocated to DC which in my case was Pune, I was very happy as I was posted in the DC in which I always wanted to be but slowly and gradually it disappoints me because even after 4 months of being allocated in DC I was doing nothing they were just paying me for nothing, sounds interesting right but in actual NO it is not. It is not only happening in my case but with most of the SES. Out of the total employees of DSE, only 10% of them got proper to work which is a client project, 50-60% are on the bench and the remaining 30-40% are doing internal projects of Infosys which is again the same as bench because it is not a client-based project and on their portal, it will show that they are still on the bench.
It’s been 3 months since I am on a project but there is a shortage of sub-projects inside that project which made me sit ideal for around 4 months. I literally have to sit in an ODC without doing anything and when I try to approach my project manager they just say try to do some certifications and make a project for myself for brushing up your knowledge.

Some Benefits of a Digital Specialist Engineer
There are some benefits of DSE apart from salary :
- No supports and testing work
- The probation period is for 6 months unlike SEs who have around 1 year
- After the probation period, we will get one extra earned leave after each quarter.
Is there any different workflow or expectation from a DSE
Some of my friends are allocated to quite decent projects and what I observe is it completely depends on project to project so far none of them told me that they are doing differently from a regular fresher.
However, most of us are on a bench so it is difficult to come to a conclusion
Promotion of Infosys DSE
After 1 year of posting to DC as a Digital Specialist Engineer, one gets a chance to get promoted as Power Programmer(PP) but the procedure is quite different from SE’s hierarchy unlike them for promotion we have to clear an exam within 6 months after completion of one successful year. We will get around two chances for the same.
Please tell more about the updgradation of ses into pp, like how will be the procedure,exams etc?What will be the difficulty level,no of rounds and syllabus..
Look this month we have an assessment for PP. I will tell you everything once I have the complete details
what happens if you are unable to clear the upgradation exams for PP (after a year of allocation of DC)
we have an exam for PP this month once I know the details I will write a complete blog on that
When will training starts for 2020 SES selected students?
Can you provide some information about the BIG data Training stream as well?(By any of your friends experience) .On what language it is trained(java etc..). How long the training?
Training time was the same for information soon I will write blog on big data.
Wonderful content. Thank you for it. I have Infosys SES offer and a startup named Epikindifi offer with 5.4 LPA with bond of 2 years. Could you please explain which one to join. I have pros ,cons of both of it but can’t make a decision. Could you please help?
After a year if I clear the internal exam for PP role, will I get a nominal hike or the base CTC for fresher PP’s(8LPA)?
Hello Bro,
I received 90+ percentage in Infytq certification, so will it be considered as top performer and salary will be increased or is it useless now? And what is salary difference for various percentages during training?
Please answer this..
No, because salary is fixed no increment I have heard till now
Hello… First of all let me thank you so much for such a clean content. This is the only blog probably on the Internet about SES. I was selected for SES in August 2019 through HackWithInfy. But more or less i am a bit worried about the bench issue you have mentioned above after training. This is driving me back from joining Infosys. Do you really think this will be a good start for our career ?? Thanks in advance…
If you have better opportunity then of-course Infosys is not a great start but if you are worried about the bench then don’t worry because just now every one who were on bench for long time were taken to Hyderabad for training in cloud infrastructure for 6 week and they got mapped in that unit.
So, Are you working in cloud now.
I have to join infosys in same year.
Thank you so much man!!!
Hi bro when we will get offer letter and on which month training will be started
may be in may or june you will get offer letter
Thanks for the great content. I think you are the only person who is sharing SES experience over the internet.
I have some questions, are onsite opportunities available for this role and does the location preference we give are considered while allocating DC after the training?
Location preferences are considered in most of the cases because only some of the DC’s have SES based projects from SES I mean Development projects. Giving answer to your second question regarding onsite so, the first batch of SES itself completed only four months after training so, it is difficult to say before spending sometime in Infosys as ses. One of my friend got an opportunity for canada recently but he refused because he was on bench
Refused to go to canada? What exactly you mean by that?If your friend is on the bench then is it not a handful of an opportunity to accept and fly to canada?
That is what everyone told him but he decided not to go.
Can you explain why he refused to go to Canada? I’m new here
Hello, I am also selected for SES role is there lack of projects in all the DC(including Banglore) or just Pune. And should I look for other opportunities if there are no projects they might not give even a joining date to me.Your experience made me worry about this job till now it looked pretty good. Please reply..
There are projects here also but the problem is most of them are in Java so, most of the employees who trained in MERN/MEAN are not accepting projects like JAVA but in my case the project in which I am mapped have no work for me. Adding to that don’t worry about your joining date because if this would be the case this company would not kept their employees on bench and getting the project is just about luck and here everything here is related to luck like getting stream, location, work etc
Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂