The Infosys Digital Specialist Engineer role was Introduced in June 2019 which was a better role than the regular system engineer fresher role with better salary and exposure.
- Interview Preparation: click here
- Things to learn before joining Infosys click here
- Complete blog about DSE click here
- Salary of DSE before and after training click here
- Mern stack stream complete flow explained click here
- My 4 months of experience in Infosys as a System engineer specialist click here
- Dot net training at Infosys check here
Training For Digital Specialist Engineer
I was trained in MERN / MEAN stack. The complete training was completed in 3 months approx with 6 exams. Out of which the first exam was for soft-skill second was for DBMS, and the remaining four exams were for the mainstream.
Both soft skill and DBMS combined in 10 days after completion of 10 days a test was conducted for both. Out of which DBMS exam was under exit criteria while soft skills was not.
For Main Stream training you can read my experience here
The exams were quite easy to pass if you just complete the capstone project provided in the last section of each course. Adding to that there is one practice test just one day before the exam which will help you to analyze your weak areas.
Allocation in DC
After being allocated to DC which in my case was Pune, I was very happy as I was posted in the DC in which I always wanted to be but slowly and gradually it disappoints me because even after 6 months of being allocated in DC I was doing nothing they were just paying me for nothing, sounds interesting right but in actual NO it is not. It is not only happening in my case but with many of the DSE.
Remember: It is possible that they allocate you in the project on the very first or second day of your DC allocation and sometimes it might take 5-6 months also.
Luck is everything in Infosys, but don’t worry enjoy your bench time and utilize that time efficiently.
One or two months after the lockdown which I think in May starting I got mapped into a project which was an Infosys internal project.
The project team had two DSEs and one PP and the rest were SSEs, TL, and Project Manager. The work that was assigned to me was based on the angular front end and the management of the project was quite good. I am still on that project
Appraisal in Infosys For Digital Specialist Engineer
The appraisal process is the same for any fresher whether it is SE, DSE, or PP. The appraisal process starts with the completion of your 1 year after allocation to DC. However, it consists of many steps that’s why the complete process takes around 3 months after 3 months one short meeting is set up between the Project Manager and the employee.
The rating is provided to you in the meeting by your project manager and discussion happens on the work that the employee has done so far!
So, there are different ratings
- Outstanding
- Commendable
- Met Expectation
- Needs Improvement
The rating which I got was Met Expectation
Hike Received So far
Now we didn’t receive any increment since we joined DC in oct’19 it has been 1 year and 5 months. Our hike will be rolled out at April month-end which is not even confirmed.
Once we will receive the hike I will write about it