Digital Specialist Engineer or DSE role in Infosys is a new role introduced by Infosys which offers more than the average package compared to regular freshers but does it really worth being a DSE?
For more about the system engineer role in Infosys visit: DSE ROLE
My training experience as Infosys DSE
My training experience was nice in around 3 to 3.5 months I was able to learn quite many things made so many friends got good vibes, and played many sports in the training center.
For more information about my training in which stream I was trained go to my training
My experience after training as Infosys DSE
After being allocated to DC which in my case was Pune, I was very happy as I was posted in the DC in which I always wanted to be but slowly and gradually it disappoints me because even after 4 months of being allocated in DC I was doing nothing they were just paying me for nothing, sounds interesting right but in actual NO it is not. It is not only happening in my case but with most of the SES. Out of the total employees of DSE, only 10% of them got proper to work which is a client project, 50-60% are on the bench and the remaining 30-40% are doing internal projects of Infosys which is again the same as bench because it is not a client-based project and on their portal, it will show that they are still on the bench.
It’s been 3 months since I am on a project but there is a shortage of sub-projects inside that project which made me sit ideal for around 4 months. I literally have to sit in an ODC without doing anything and when I try to approach my project manager they just say try to do some certifications and make a project for myself for brushing up your knowledge.
Some Benefits of a Digital Specialist Engineer
There are some benefits of DSE apart from salary :
- No supports and testing work
- The probation period is for 6 months unlike SEs who have around 1 year
- After the probation period, we will get one extra earned leave after each quarter.
Is there any different workflow or expectation from a DSE
Some of my friends are allocated to quite decent projects and what I observe is it completely depends on project to project so far none of them told me that they are doing differently from a regular fresher.
However, most of us are on a bench so it is difficult to come to a conclusion
Promotion of Infosys DSE
After 1 year of posting to DC as a Digital Specialist Engineer, one gets a chance to get promoted as Power Programmer(PP) but the procedure is quite different from SE’s hierarchy unlike them for promotion we have to clear an exam within 6 months after completion of one successful year. We will get around two chances for the same.