You may have heard that Infosys recently opened a new position as a Digital Specialist Engineer where they recruit engineers who know to code in at least one programming language. If you want to know the package, role, and training period of a Digital Specialist Engineer then you are in the right place. A Digital Specialist Engineer is basically an updated version of a System engineer where instead of taking the test based on aptitude and verbal.
What is a Digital Specialist Engineer (DSE)?
Earlier Infosys only used to recruit engineering students from any specialization such as civil, mechanical, ECE, CSE, etc as system engineer trainees by the test which contains an aptitude test and verbal test without any coding test and then they trained them for approximately 6 months then they deploy them in their preferred location as System engineer under any domain which may or may not based on their training, they can even assign them in the testing or support role. On the other hand, now Infosys came up with a new position where they recruit students through coding, a competition known as HackWithinfy where they allow students to take part in this competition, and one who clears two rounds of them out of three will get the golden opportunity to got interview for DSE role at Infosys.
What is the Training Period for Digital Specialist Engineer?

Traditionally, the training period for a system engineer was 6 months which is further divided into two areas which are generic training for around 4 months which comprises python, SQL, etc, and stream training which focused more on any specific language such as Java or .Net, etc but in DSE role the period will be of around 2.5 months where generic training would be around for 5-10 days and stream training would be around
2 months.
What is the package of Digital Specialist Engineer (DSE) role?

Obviously, if you are landing into Infosys by cracking the coding rounds and clearing the interview you will be paid more than the system engineers, currently, System Engineers get around a CTC of around 3.6 Lakh but DSE will get a CTC of around 5 lakh.
Under which horizontal does the Digital Specialist Engineer (DSE) belong?
Digital Specialist Engineer (DSE) is very different from system engineers hence they are under different verticals from System Engineers. SES people are put under Software Technology Group (STG).
What are the possible streams I can get during training as DSE?
For general System engineers, there are many but for DSE there are few such as Java, MERN Stack, MEAN Stack, and Big Data. There is an advantage that you’ll never have support or testing-based streams.
Advantages of DSE
- Shorter Training Duration: Your training will be less than half as compared to System Engineers.
- Always be in Development: You will never be assigned for testing or support job you will always doing programming even after getting the promotion

- Full-Stack developer: You will be trained as a full-Stack developer i.e. you have to work on both front-end and back-end.

Disadvantages of DSE
- Training pace will be fast
- They will treat you that you know everything
- Interview Preparation: click here
- Things to learn before joining Infosys click here
- Complete blog about DSE click here
- Salary of DSE before and after training click here
- Mern stack stream complete flow explained click here
- My experience in Infosys as a Digital Specialist Engineer click here
- Dot net training at Infosys check here
How to get selected for the SES role?
What will be the difficulty level of exam after training in the SES , will an extra chance be given ?
Not much it will be easy, day before the exam you will be given Integrated assignment once you practice that exam would not be a big deal
I didn’t recieve any mail for Infosys that I am selected or not. I gave interview on 18may2020.should I get any mail ?
I am selected for power programmer role through internal exam.
1)When can I expect release from my current project?
2) Do I need to discuss with my manager regarding my release or bridge program team will approach my manager?
Can you please help me in clearing the about doubts
Hello there, can you please share you please share your exam experience please ?
difficulty level, exam pattern, is it coding test or something related to your 1 yr experience in SES role ?
please share your experience.
Thank you
You can watch on my youtube channel I have told there about exams search qapaper in youtube
Please share more insights on the exam. It will be extremely helpful for all of us.
You can watch on my youtube channel I have told there about exams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEDYmsmmktw&t=52s
hi bro, I was interviewed on 3rd March for SES role and after couple of days, my training and placement officer informed me that I got selected for SES role but I haven’t received any mail from Infosys. can you please say when will I likely receive a mail regarding the offer letter or call letter.
Don’t worry I think due to covid-19 it is delayed but they will send it soon
1) Bro can you please tell me when i was going to get my offer letter and other details.
I got selected for SES role. I’m going to complete my B.Tech in this year 2020 (2016-2020 Batch).
2) And is there any chance of change in package ? it has been said that 5LPA, can i expect to get it changed this year ?
3) After getting into infosys is there any way to upgrade my role to Power Programmer ?
Thank you
Hi Narendranath
1. I can’t tell you exactly when you will get your offer letter but last batch got their in around may and june
but it can also be delay due to covid-19 you know the condition there.
2. No the package is fixed there will not be any change.
3. Yaa there is a way through exam but after 1 year posted to DC but again you have to wait until someone successfully completed 1 year and upgrated himself to pp.
Thank You
I didn’t understand 3rd part. How can we upgrade the offer to Power Programmer?
Hey! Can I change stream during the training?
It is difficult but try to meet HR may be she can help you
I am a mechanical engineer and i got selected as systems engineer and next i have got shortlisted which consists of 10 members , what kind of interview can i expect? Please reply asap , i have interview in 2 days
I want to know if they train students in Java or JavaScript
I consider, that you commit an error. Let’s discuss. Write to me in PM, we will communicate.
How does one become a SES while being employed at Infosys as a systems engineer?
Is it confirmed that SES is not into testing and support?? Do all SES are assigned as developers?
Is it possible to train someone in MERN/MEAN stack completely in just 2.5 month. If someone doesn’t know anything about it.
Bro, how many languages are allowed to give the test e.g C++ is allowed or not? Also how many questions will be in the first and second round?
I have been selected for System engineer. Will Infosys give me a chance to upgrade my designation to system specialist profile or not during or after the Mysore training ?
1. Can we select our own stream?
2. How many exams are there for SES during the training period in Mysore?
3. I gave my interview in August and I also got a confirmation mail. So when will my training start?
After 5-10 months
So when did you get selected and when did your offer letter arrive and when did you start your training and where ?
I am selected for SES role, when will i get offer letter from infosys or any confiramation mail
do they ask for spring hibernate in java
Which stack is better while doing SES training Java or BigData or MERN/MEAN stack?Which of these will have better growth opportunities and better projects to work on?
If you got Mean or Mern anyhow they will train you in both of them my Mern stack is over I am doing Mean Stack
And who select the stack for ses engineer.
How is it possible to train someone in MERN/MEAN stack completely in just 2.5 month. If someone doesn’t know anything about it.
1)What is specialist programmer?
2)How does it differ from power programmer?
3)What are the salary offered for both role? (For power programmer it was 8LPA)
4) what is the hike policy of Infosys?
5) what does it mean about the term “variable pay” in some percentage?
Can you tell me the approx conversion rate for SES people (no of students appearing for training / no of students pass the training). I want to know the difficulty level of the training. Thanks in advance.
Don’t worry about passing the training but if you got MERN stack then the difficulty is more compare to Java and Bigdata.
Does salary provided during training period will be based on performance…!!??
when will I receive interview details mail from Infosys for the Software engineer Specialist role?
I was selected for SES role a week ago.What is the take home salary before and after training ? Is the package 5 LPA including or excluding allowances ? When can I expect my offer letter ?
When did you get the interview details mail? I haven’t received mine yet.
currently I am trainee here so the salary I got for the first month was 32k and from second month onwards I am receiving 30k that’s all now I know about system engineer specialist salary
will we get any training during college period???
No after college
can you tell the training process for ses.
when we will get offer letter or call letter . ihave reciecved only confirmation mail in oct from that i haven’t recieved anything
Can you guide me that how should I prepare for interview
You will get your offer letter just after college as I also got the same after my college
At which place we are going to be trained
The interview was quite easy. They just asked me about my projects and told me write the logic for finding the prime number and asked me to trace the entire code. At last he gave me some inputs and told me to calculate the number of iterations required and also asked squares of 17 , 19 and 13 he just wants to see how fast does I respond.
hi, I have been selected for SES role but I haven’t got any form of the confirmation letter from them regarding the training joining date.
I should mention that Infosys will be coming to my college for the system engineer role.
when did you receive your first confirmation letter or maybe training joining letter?
what about the events of bench?
the same i also want to ask ….i was told by my training and placement officer that i am selected for ses role but 2 weeks are passes and i didnt recieve any of the official mail of confirmation.when will i get the mail?
I received an official mail yesterday from infosys that I got selected for ses and they will be sending offer letter soon. And my interview and selection was done last week of August. So wait for approx. two months from interview you will receive it.
Hi, i got informed by TPO of ur college that i got slected of ses role but i have recieved and offical mail or offer letter when we will get ? if you have recieved any offical mail pls pass the info
I got mine after 2 months after interview. You will get you just have to wait.
well I have received an confirmatory email now. waiting for the offer letter
What is the next promotion level of system engineer specialist, what are the hike schemes offered…
Power Programmer role with ctc 8 lakh
What about the hike…
I got selected for Infosys Power Programmer Role. Does they provide training / internship during college last semester?
Is there any chance to get into power programmer from SES role. like inter departmental exam.
and what are the next level’s of promotion after a SES.
Yes, they told that there will be exam may be after 1 year for getting power programmer role
You’ve almost finished 1 year. Did you get an opportunity to sit for the Power Programmer role exam?
What would be the joking date for 2020 batch?
For 2019 batch it was after 10 months so, maybe for 2020 batch, it would be June 2020.
What is the take away salary after trainig ?? Is the package of 5 lakh with or without allowances ??
Please tell In-hand Salary for SES Role While Training & After Training.
While training the in-hand salary is 30k and after it may be around 33k. One thing that they didn’t mention that the PF deduction is 5k.
How much do you get in hand for SES role??
When u got the offer letter after hw many days of slection
After the training what will be the salary??
During training 32k inhand after training 35k
Can you please describe your interview experience for SES?
The interview was quite easy they were very chill during the interview the question they asked was not difficult at all. The Interview had some basic questions like do you know were the database is stored? what is the difference between SQL and NoSQL? what is database admin? what is abstraction? like this only.
When does Infosys call you for training of SES profile? SE are called in jan-feb but as i got places as SES i m still waiting. When were you called for training?
Even I got selected in September but they called me in June. So, be patient.
Bro I got selected for SES role in august.when can I expect the doj
june may be
I participated in Hackwithinfy 2019 and I cleared the first round and then I gave second round but after that I haven’t received any mail from Infosys regarding the results of second round. On 4th of February 2020 I received a mail. from Infosys in which I have to give my intent regarding the SES role. I want to know that does Infosys send mails like this or is this a fake mail.
You can verify it yourself by seeing the sender email address, if it is genuine email address should be with domain infosys.com and something like hackwithinfy@infosys.com or careers@infosys.com
when will be your interview?